Satisfaction Guarantee

At Bjørn Art, we promise you to do our utmost to create a unique experience and a personal painting of the highest quality. If you are not fully satisfied with your painting in any way, we offer you a money-back guarantee. We are so confident in the quality of our work and the joy it brings to our customers that we are prepared to ensure your satisfaction.

As the owner of Bjørn Art, I promise you that we will do our absolute best to create a painting that exceeds your expectations. Each painting is a masterpiece, and I will not rest until you are fully satisfied.

Our satisfaction guarantee is valid for 60 days after you have received your painting. We believe that this gives you ample time to consider the painting and ensure that it lives up to your expectations.

Should you find yourself in the situation of wanting to take advantage of our satisfaction guarantee, we have made the process as simple as possible. All you need to do is send us an email with your order number and a brief explanation of why you are not satisfied. We will then process your request and return your money within 3 working days after we have received the painting back from you. The amount to be returned excludes the direct costs we have had in producing the painting, as well as the cost of shipping.

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Bjørn Art

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CVR: 36935707


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