Have a Painting Made
of Your Beloved Cat

Do you wish to encapsulate your most cherished moments of your cats? Let us help you, as we have extensive experience painting beautiful cat portraits.

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Painting of a Cat
Portrait painting of a cat
Cat paintings
Cat portrait


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From your photos

Cat Portraits on Order

We have extensive experience painting the most beautiful cat paintings, and helped countless of clients making their dreams come true. Let us help you encapsulate the most cherished moment of your cat, by making a painting using your personal photos.

Cat paintings painted from your photos

We paint your cat painting based on your personal photographs. All of our cat paintings are painted on canvas with high quality oil paints, sure to last for a long time.

Quality Takes Time

Painting a cat painting with a high degree of detail and quality takes time. It depends on the size and complexity of the painting, but generally speaking, your cat painting should be done within 3 weeks of ordering.

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How Does It Work?

Send Photograph

You will receive a personal offer within 24 hours, which you can freely accept or reject.

Deposit & Painting

The painting commences after a deposit of 30% has been paid, and usually takes about 3 weeks to finish.

Accept & Shipment

The painting is shipped after it has been approved, and the remaining 70% is paid.

Bjørn Art

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CVR: 36935707


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